Friday, March 02, 2007

spirit is willing...

Lent Day 11

Matthew 26. 41 Watch and pray so that you will not fall into tempation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

Really? Is my spirit willing? I can certainly Amen the weak flesh part. Wow, I am pathetic! But what about this idea that my spirit is willing?

The HOly Spirit is working on the inside of me according to Rom 8 and is giving me fresh perspective on my life. Empowering my spirit ( the human spirit) to apprehend the things of God, know them, and receive revelation on them. The Spirit is working on my spirit to reveal God to me.

So am I weak or strong?

Perhaps it is not so much what I am (as if it were intrinsic to my being) but who I am relying upon! When I rely upon the Holy Spirit to empower, reveal, and bring revelation I am destined to be made more alive in Christ. This ministry of LIFE flowing in me is one that I must nurture and appreciate. When I fail, like these disciples who are receiving this challenge (rebuke?), I drift into a sort of spiritual malaise that hinders the ful development of my spiritual inner man.

Victory, the life that lives above being dragged down by the human experience, is the possession of those who listen to the HS and who nurture that nature within them.

Rom 8.5 Those who live according to the sinful nature (flesh) have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires...

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