Although there are a lot of reasons why anyone of us can allow our faith to become shallow and unauthentic, the results are the same. As I preached this week- the goal of Christian Spirituality is authentic christianity. I have grown weary of the cultural christianity that so pervades our culture. I am looking to change my life and let it reflect an intense and fervent love for God. I used to believe that allowing my faith to be shallow would lead to sin, now I believe that it is sin. It is an insult to a fully committed God and a Savior who went the distance for us to allow there to be shallow and disingenuous faith in our hearts. If it turns my stomach- it must make God wretch all the more.
What about you? Ever look at your heart and become disgusted at the weakness of your own faith? Ever listen in vain for God's approval on your half hearted commitment. I know I have. What compares to his sacrificial love for us? Whose heart is like his?
God, look at my shallow and frail faith and help me to deepen my roots in your favor. I long to replicate your love to the watching world. I long to connect to your heart in a way that radically infects my soul. Help me to walk this out; to flesh it out; to commit fully to the journey. I know that there is great benefit to my heart - but let me do this in honor of your love. AMEN.
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