Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Big Name, Big Bucks; Big Problem?

"Yes, Pastor we would love to come and speak at your church," the email read," our customary fee for (Big Name Speaker) is $7500 for 4 one hour sessions..." My jaw dropped. Now I am not the best at math, but I think that $2000 an hour to speak a warmed over message on marriages is a bit crazy. Please realize that housing said speaker, flying them in, and feeding them would (of course!) be in addition to the fee.

What is going on here? When did the minister start charging $2000 per hour? Now don't get me wrong - this guy has some good material. I have read his book. But I can't imagine this price!!! Who knows if he practices what he preaches? Too bad because we desperately need his message!

So in addition to the book royalties that he is recieving, he is making $400,000 per year? Not bad work if you can get it. Not only will I not have him in, I won't recommend his books anymore either. This is a Big Problem.

What these guys need to remember is that there will be a judgment on those who merchandise the anointing in such a manner. Church- there is a big problem here. And the time has come for judgment to begin in the house of God. So I am asking God to deal with it officially in this blog.

God, you have a renegade in your house. As you would expect me to do to a pompous little teenager in my house, I am asking you to do to this brother. I rebuke the greedy materialistic spirit that he is operating in right now. Please- bring humility, balance, and compassion for real people with real problems to him. In the Biggest Name of all. Amen.


Tina said...

When my grandmother passed away some years ago, I was shocked at the fact that my relatives paid a priest a few hundred dollars to say a prayer at her wake. FOR PRAYER! I couldn't believe it. I still can't. What is that?

Gail Dodson said...

My first thought upon reading about "The big name" individual who required thousands of dollars to show up with his message was the Israelites in the desert. God gave them the food of angels to eat and they quickly tired of it and desired the flesh of animals instead!
How much did Jesus, the son of God charge for healing the sick, feeding the multitudes and raising the dead?