Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 16- Opportunities to Serve

Galatians 5:13 “For you, dear friends, have been called to live in freedom, not to satisfy your sinful nature, but to serve one another in love.”

Great News! God wants to use us. Even after all the self examination and the guilt from sin committed in the past. While we have been busy listening, seeking and pursuing God we are finding all the more that while we may be flawed, God still has a plan and use for us. What an amazing God!

As opportunities for service, good deeds, and random acts of kindness are presenting themselves I sense more and more that God enjoys seeing me in action as much as I enjoy seeing him in action! When all is said and done... more is said than done.

As believers we have the ripe opportunities before us to do more, and say less. St Francis of Assisi said it like this- "Preach the gospel at all times -- If necessary, use words." So the Lord is telling us to serve one another in love

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