Friday, September 18, 2009

Feeling Burned Out?

Here are a few things that I have learned from bouts with burn out. Burn out is a bit like depression except that it is linked to production, success, or achieving. These five steps will help get life back on track and restore the strength and meaning to your life.
#1 Cut back- choose to produce more and higher quality work by doing less. Delegate to others, ask for help, get out from under the feeling of being overwhelmed.

#2 Rest- Start by lining up your leisure times as appointments far in advance. Don't let anything steal family time. Don't let date nights wane. Don't surrender your quiet times - ever!

#3 Sleep- Get some... get a lot because you look and act ugly when your tired and burned out. It's that serious

#4 Start exercising- the physical needs discipline and your exercise plan will release the dopamine in your brain to help you feel better

#5 Daily spend prayer and devotional time. in burned out times I like to read devotionals that others have written.

These steps will put you in the place (when practiced diligently) that you will rise out of the depths of burn out and find healing for your soul.

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