There is no sense of balance in living as a slave. While most jobs have unpleasant things to do, the life of that finds passion and works in that area of passion is bound to find more joy and peace. I am not suggesting that we are to avoid work... work is a source of joy and peace and balances our life. But only when it is something that we can be passionate about. Carpenters should like working with wood, pastors should like working with people, and dog groomers should enjoy working with animals. It makes too much sense.
The shame is that so many of us don't have a clue about the things that we are passionate about. Spend some time taking an inventory of your internal passions. Some of those are God ordained strengths and gifts that waiting to be released to the world. When you are in that "sweet spot" you will be able to find the sense of balance that will be fulfilling.
Ironically, the joy and peace is found after the intensely selfish moments of introspection. Too often people get locked into looking at themselves. Real fulfillment happens when we give ourselves to serve others in the areas of our passion. Balance includes the focus of our passion on those who are around us.
may i asked, what if i called my present job "my comfort zone"? is there any balance on it...
i enjoyed my job, i can say that i love my job, i am passionate with it, but when it gets complicated i get irritated and tends to quit...
i'm not sure that it really balances my well being, me personal life, my social life, my lovelife...
You are right that there are several elements to finding balance. Even when we are most passionate about our job we will experience frustrations. That is why there is the need to find the other elements of balance in our life. All of these other elements find their source and wholeness in the life of the Spirit.
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