Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Cursed for me

Thursday Holy Week

Gal 3.13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us: for it is written. "Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree"

Cursed is a strong word. We don't use it except in the most dire circumstances. When life is extraordinarily difficult or when things seem to be damned by God in heaven. Imagine the juxtaposition - Jesus cursed from heaven. It is hard for us to imagine. But this is the extent of Divine love for man- even sinful man.

When we feel like things are bad- even cursed- we must remember that Christ became cursed for us. This exchange (his blessing on us in exchange for our curse upon him) is a guarantee for all who love him and submit to him. The good news is that God never asks us to get it all together at once. Rather, gently - slowly- he deals with us on one area of our lives at a time. It is a beautiful dance- this overature of God to the responsive heart of a sinner. But as we let him lead- he really takes us for a spin.

Years later, I remember my first spin with God. He was so gracious ever time and yet I am freer that I have ever been in my life. It isn't financial, or social, it is an internal quality of freedom that makes me more comfortable with me- because he is changing me.

So when things seem cursed- I have to remind myself " I am blessed" because he took my curse. He guarantees his involvement to bless us in the words of Romans 8.

Rom 8:28-2928 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. NIV


LJCYBUL said...

What a fresh way to look at the position Christ was in as he was looking up to God from Heaven. I rarely think of it that Christ was cursed for me. Too many times I think we feel that are hopes/wants are being damned...but aren't we in reality just so blessed that we have a Father we has us right where He wants us...? My faith says yes...It is only my flesh that disagrees...

Pastor Dave said...

And if it is his purpose to bless, why do we work so hard at limiting that blessing? our simple cooperation would be enough to insure the blessing of God.