Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Scofflaws in Charge?

Frustrated with their inability to change the laws regarding marriage in Illinois fast enough, the establishment leadership has adopted a new tactic. Simply ignore the laws they don't like! They will do an end around the existing laws by seizing upon Pres. Obama's public flip-flop on gay marriage. Gay activist groups and the ACLU are suing the Cook County Clerk on behalf of 25 couples who were refused a marriage license. This mornings Tribune reports that the Cook County Clerk - David Orr is "hoping" that these lawsuits "are the last hurdle to achieving equal marriage for all". Uh, excuse me, Mr. Orr, the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act prohibits marriage "between 2 individuals of the same sex". But it is clear that David Orr will lay down rather than fight for the law. The Governor of Illinois- Pat Quinn-has endorsed same-sex marriage and will not fight the lawsuit either. Pres. Obama has already instructed the US department of justice to stop defending any lawsuits against the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Clearly, the Obama White House and the leadership of Illinois must feel that we ignorant slobs out here aren't smart enough to understand the implications of the current laws. But Civil Unions in Illinois gave all the legal benefits of marriage to homosexual couples. It seems what the gay activists are demanding is justification and full acceptance of homosexual marriage. But this end around the will of the people isn't going to lessen any rifts in our social fabric. If anything it guarantees a division (and maybe a political base for these scofflaws in high offices!)

So what is the electorate supposed to do when those in charge of defending the laws against these kinds of lawsuits  refuse to do so, so they can simply do an end around the legal process to ensure their political agenda is moved forward and their supporters appeased? The 32 states that have defeated proposed Same-sex legalization, are they to be ignored? This is scary... the laws are being ignored or circumvented by those who were elected to enforce them. What can the people, whose voice is being ignored, do?

Vote the Bums Out!!!!



Pastor Dave said...

Amazingly, the same tactic is used in the SCOTUS decision on Arizona. Having been handed a partial defeat the Obama administration now refuses to eforce the law or help others enforce the law. Terry Greene Sterling writes in the Daily Beast "The Obama administration reacted swiftly, rescinding the 287(g) agreements with seven Arizona police departments, which give the police permission to partner with the federal government on immigration enforcement. The administration also directed federal immigration officials not to respond to local traffic stops or law enforcement encounters in Arizona unless the detained person is a recent border crosser, has already been removed from the country and re-entered the United States unlawfully, or is a convicted criminal. (Federal immigration officials will still respond to telephone calls from Arizona law enforcement authorities seeking the immigration status of a person who is legally stopped, detained, or arrested.)

“As though we needed any more evidence, President Obama has demonstrated anew his utter disregard for the safety and security of the Arizona people,” Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said in a statement of the administration’s decision to revoke 287(g) agreements. She later added on CNN: “The people of America ought to be outraged. This is absolutely an assault.”

One can only wonder if the people of the US will continue to put up with this administrations completely blantant disregard for law and justice.

Pastor Dave said...

Amazingly, the same tactic is used in the SCOTUS decision on Arizona. Having been handed a partial defeat the Obama administration now refuses to eforce the law or help others enforce the law. Terry Greene Sterling writes in the Daily Beast "The Obama administration reacted swiftly, rescinding the 287(g) agreements with seven Arizona police departments, which give the police permission to partner with the federal government on immigration enforcement. The administration also directed federal immigration officials not to respond to local traffic stops or law enforcement encounters in Arizona unless the detained person is a recent border crosser, has already been removed from the country and re-entered the United States unlawfully, or is a convicted criminal. (Federal immigration officials will still respond to telephone calls from Arizona law enforcement authorities seeking the immigration status of a person who is legally stopped, detained, or arrested.)

“As though we needed any more evidence, President Obama has demonstrated anew his utter disregard for the safety and security of the Arizona people,” Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said in a statement of the administration’s decision to revoke 287(g) agreements. She later added on CNN: “The people of America ought to be outraged. This is absolutely an assault.”

One can only wonder if the people of the US will continue to put up with this administrations completely blantant disregard for law and justice.