Sunday, February 01, 2009

Why I Admire Ted Haggard

A couple years ago when Ted Haggards hypocrisy and sin was exposed I was shocked, angry and outraged. Like most evangelical Christians I saw his problems as personal hypocrisy. I watched some of his appearance on Oprah the other day and applauded as the queen of day time TV's attempts to demonize the church were turned back and rebuffed by Ted's insistence that he had "greatly sinned". Oprah seemed to want to blame the church for taking a stand against his sinful behavior- even disfellowshipping him. Ted said it was his doing and for the "protection of the church".

Now I will be the first to admit that I don't understand how someones sexuality gets that confused (though he confessed that he had been molested as a child). Neither can I excuse obviously premeditated pursuit of a homosexual sex and drugs. But I can and do admit that I admire Haggard for owning his sin. When he was first exposed he lied to cover his trail of sinful behavior, but he is finding freedom these days in not blaming others for his sin but, instead, owning his "perversion".

I have watched men and women of God fall into sinful behavior over the years. A few have owned their sin and found healing. But many have blamed the pastor or the church or the deacons or the lack of mentoring or the lack of 'real' friendship for their own sin. Those folks never find freedom in Christ- they become bitter whiners and complainers who blame others for their own behavior. Ironically, in their weird psychological need to blame others for their sin they doom themselves to be ever trapped in the memory of events that were their own fault. The cycle of sin and blame another never stops without confession of sin and owning our dysfunction. When someone sins it is because they are "drawn away by their own lusts". Period.

When we disown our sin, we "make God out to be a liar" and our efforts to vindicate our selves prove to the watching world that we are not even as righteous as Ted is. I pray that Ted will find freedom from the sins temptations and thoughts that haunt him. I applaud his desire to face squarely his sin and to recognize that he has forfeited a right to work in ministry. But I also pray that ministers in the church, and Christians in general, will learn to confess their sin when they fail and find healing for their souls.

1 comment:

BNB said...

Recently I have experienced that when you're 'In the WORD - (more than just reading your devotions and some bible reading) and in prayer really leaning on GOD to change you - change starting in the inside. The is a renewal process made within you. The Word is received differently than once received in your daily devotional reading - You seem to want to memorize verses (key word being want - not for a class or for accountability) that is part of the change happening inside of you - you feel it - LOVE because we all know GOD is LOVE. This walk has been challenging and during the walk have seen several prayers answered (includes ones of my own), several healings (again including ones of my own) and sharing and hearing testimonies. BUT this time it different - really different - going to PRAY and in your WORD for everything in your life - you see GOD in EVERYTHING - even down to reading a blog - such as:
I have watched men and women of God fall into sinful behavior over the years. A few have owned their sin and found healing. But many have blamed the pastor or the church or the deacons or the lack of mentoring or the lack of 'real' friendship for their own sin. Those folks never find freedom in Christ- they become bitter whiners and complainers who blame others for their own behavior. Ironically, in their weird psychological need to blame others for their sin they doom themselves to be ever trapped in the memory of events that were their own fault. The cycle of sin and blame another never stops without confession of sin and owning our dysfunction. When someone sins it is because they are "drawn away by their own lusts". Period.

Here is what I mean: Memory verse:
1John1:9 If you confess your sins, He is faithful and just, He will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Now reading the blog - GOD shines - That's the fix.. the verse!