Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Satan's Top 10

Here is Chuck Pierce's list of Satan's 10 ways to sidetrack us from God's will.

1. Cares of the world- We divert our eyes and desires to the world around us instead of keeping our eyes on the One who made us.

2. Anxiety-Anxiety is friction within our inner person that keeps us from walking in peace or wholeness.

3. Weights on our spirit- These weights are burdens that we bear in the flesh.

4. Unforgiveness- Unforgiveness is holding resentment toward and individual who has wronged us.

5. Poisoned spirit- We allow the hurts that we encounter in life to cause a root of bitterness to arise within our spirit and eventually defile our whole body.

6. Grief- Grief is a function of loss that can be embedded in our emotions. grief has a time frame. If we go past that time frame, the enemy produces hope deferred within us. We then lose our expectation in God and others.

7. Unstable emotions- Instability is the lack of being able to stand. Our emotions eventually rule us, and life becomes a roller coaster ride.

8. Accusations- The accuser of the brethren loves to reproach us and remind us of everything that we have done wrong.

9. Condemnation-Condemnation is the opposite of conviction. Whereas conviction leads us to grace, condemnation says that there is no way out for any wrongdoing we've done.

10. Sin and iniquitous patterns- Sins author is Satan. Unconfessed sin can lead us to a pattern of iniquity. Iniquity diverts us from the path of life.

Each of these can fragment the way we think and cause our spirit ot lose the power that God has made available to us. God has made each of us with a spirit soul and body; and He has ordained us to be whole. If Satan can trap us with any of hte above issues, we will become like the person whom James describes:" he who doubts... is a double minded man, unstable in all his ways" James 1.6-8. Our mind becomes divided (our way of thinking become unsure), and we lose the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through our spirit.

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