Sunday, July 27, 2008

Biblical Balance

I don't really know where everybody is going so quickly- but it is scary how fast we move in an indiscriminant direction. I was driving the other day and some guy passed me going about 80-85 mph. He was young, and had his whole life ahead of him. I suspect that in spite of all that weaving in and out of traffic, he made it to where he was going. But he probably was still late!

I got to thinking that we are sure in a hurry. I have just gotten back from a vacation. So the pace of life, meetings, services, prep time, family time, a date with the wife, a lunch with a parishoner, a gathering with a family in the church, etc. really overwhelmed me. We move fast- at least some of us do. I guess we are trying to accomplish something. And we may even be doing it for the Kingdom of God!But if we don't learn to balance out the extremes of overwork and excessive leisure we will not find ourselves in Biblical Balance.

Biblical balance is the state that we Christians strive for. it is a progressive march and growth toward maturity. It is the striking the perfect chord- a three part harmony with the Lord. This is an idyllic state that we strive for. I keep trying to balance things out. Working a 60 hour week and finding time for myself; reading, studying, and preparing and leaning on the Lord's improptu; hard work and resting in him.

Leisure is important. The ancients called it re-creation because the soul's energy was recreated in that moment. Learning to gather strenth is as important as learning to expend the energy one has. To lean on work without leisure or rest is like commiting to only exhaling. Without intake there is not exhaling. The truth is that rest makes us work harder.

Certainly the author of Hebrews is correct (chpater 4)that there remains a rest for the people of God. We need to work hard to find that rest (smile)!

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